When Do You Need a Lactation Consultation?

While sometimes breastfeeding is completely natural other times it is a learning process. Some moms make plenty of milk,  and their babies latch perfectly and grow well. Wonderful! BUT if that’s not the case for you and if you have any of the following concerns (this is not a full list of issues one might have, of course), then it’s an appropriate time to schedule a consultation as soon as possible:

  • sore or damaged nipples (painful breastfeeding)
  • feeling like or knowing there’s not enough milk to feed your baby
  • oversupply of milk or baby choking on milk due to heavy spray
  • thrush (yeast infection) in the nipple/breast or other nipple infection
  • recurring plugged ducts or mastitis
  • baby isn’t latching (breast refusal)
  • pre & post tongue-tie release
  • pumping concerns
  • baby isn’t gaining weight appropriately
  • learning about alternative feeding methods
  • going back to work
  • baby is refusing the bottle
  • reflux, colic or excessive crying
  • you are feeling discouraged of have many questions that you want answered

“I want to support any mother who is concerned about breastfeeding their baby in Carroll and Howard County, MD”
– Susan Weyer – IBCLC – International Board Certified Lactation Consultant with 30+ years experience

What Happens During a Lactation Consultation?

A consultation usually takes 1-2 hours.  I usually come to your home as most mothers prefer to not travel and are more comfortable in their own environment.  I also offer mothers to come to my home office if they prefer.  We try to plan the visit at baby’s feeding time.  A visit consists of:

  • Complete Health history of both mother and baby/Consent & HIPPA form (print out or complete online before we meet)
  • Examination of mother’s breasts/nipples
  • Examination of baby’s oral anatomy (mouth/tongue/palate/facial symmetry/jaw/gums & suck)
  • Observation of baby’s ability to  latch and transfer milk (baby may be weighed before and after the feeding to access milk transfer or effective feeding)
  • Observation of mother’s technique/positioning with “hands-on” help and teaching
  • Identification of breastfeeding problem(s)
  • Breastfeeding Care Plan to resolve breastfeeding challenge(s)
  • Written Report for client and Pediatrician/Referrals if needed
  •  Super Bill Provided for you to try to seek reimbursement from insurance
  •  Follow-up by phone or another visit can be arranged if necessary

All information is confidential per HIPPA regulations.  You and your child will be treated in a respectful and caring manner.  It is my desire to help you to the very best of my ability to resolve any challenge and reach your breastfeeding goal.

Call 443-293-7364 or Fill out this Form to Request a Lactation Consultation.