To get all your questions answered personally contact me (Susan Weyer) for a lactation consultation!

• What does a Lactation Consultant Do?

• Why is it Important to Work with an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)?

• How Long Should I Nurse on Each Side?

• Will Insurance Cover the Lactation Consultation or Breastpump rental/purchase?

• Why Choose to Breastfeed?

• How Do I Get Off to A Good Start?

• How Do I Know My Baby is Getting Enough?

What does a lactation consultant do?

Lactation consultants are professional breastfeeding specialists trained to teach mothers how to feed their baby.  I help women experiencing breastfeeding problems, such as latching difficulties, painful nursing, and low milk production. A lactation consultant can also help babies with low weight gain.

As mothers return to work or school I can help you set goals and support you as you breastfeed with a new schedule. I am also familiar with breastfeeding equipment such as breast pumps and can offer tips and advice.

Why is it important to work with a IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)?

An IBCLC or international board certified lactation consultant has the most training and is considered an expert helping mothers breastfeed. You may find other lactation consultants who are simply volunteers/mothers and who don’t have accreditation. If you want to submit a breastfeeding claim to your insurance and be ensured you are getting help from someone with training and has worked with mothers for years then choose an IBCLC like Susan Weyer.

How Long Should I Nurse on Each Side?

There is no exact number and all babies are different, depending on their age and temperament. As babies get older they also may be able to get a full feeding in 10 minutes or less!
To help breasts continue their milk supply you can:
Alternate which breast you start with at each feeding – If you began nursing from your left breast at the previous feeding, consider beginning with the right breast for this feeding. If you cannot remember which breast you started with last, offer the fuller feeling breast first.

If you are worried about how long your baby is nursing consider if he/she is gaining weight, has adequate wet diapers per day and is meeting milestones.

Will Insurance Cover the Lactation Consultation or Breastpump rental/purchase?

The Affordable care Act of 2010 expanded Women’s Preventative Services to include breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling at no co-payment, coinsurance or deductible for these services on plan that are compliant. However, women with eligible plans have been encountering problems accessing these reimbursements.
When choosing a Lactation Consultant it is necessary to choose an IBCLC who can provide you with a “Super Bill” with insurance codes and she should also be able to provide you with her IEP# and NPI# if insurance companies are to consider reimbursement.
The National Women’s Law Center has put together an authoritative toolkit and letter templates to help seek reimbursement/coverage. It is also helpful to have the baby’s doctor provide or sign a Referral for a Lactation Consultation.
Download National Women’s Law Center Tool Kit.
Please call me to discuss my fees. I am paid at the time of service and I provide you with the above information along with a Super Bill.

Call Susan Weyer, (ILBC) Lactation Consultant: 443-293-7364. I provide in-home breastfeeding visits in Maryland in Carroll County, Frederick County, Howard County and surrounding areas. Contact Me Online Now

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Why Choose to Breastfeed?

If I told you that there is a product you could have for your baby that can give your baby a very strong immune system and decrease the risk of asthma, diabetes, allergies, diarrhea, gas, constipation, illness, ear infections, childhood obesity, SIDS, some types of cancers (just to name a few) AND this product is readily available – the more you use….the more you get; I think you would probably want more information – wouldn’t you?! There is no need to worry about contamination because it’s sterile, convenient, saves time, is eco-friendly, available 24/7 at two convenient locations and the best part is it’s FREE! WHAT is this product? Human Breast Milk!

Human milk is “species specific” – meaning each mammal produces milk that is custom made for its own species/ baby. Despite personal feelings or practicality or emotions; breastfeeding is the biological norm for mammals & it has sustained us for thousands of years.

Most mothers are able to produce enough milk for their babies. The best way to explain what is necessary for adequate Milk Production is from the Book – The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide to MAKING MORE MILK by Diana West and Lisa Marasco

Image by Hartman/Ramsay

+ Intact nerve pathways and ducts
+ Adequate hormones and hormone receptor sites  
+ Sufficient glandular tissue
+ Adequate & Frequent Milk Removal/Stimulation



* If one part of this equation isn’t there, milk production can be compromised

It is very important to get off to a good start right from the very first latch. While breastfeeding may come naturally to some mothers and babies, many new mother and babies require a little guidance as breastfeeding is a “learned” skill both mother and baby are learning together. Every mother and baby are unique. The more information a mother has prior to birth, the more she can avoid common breastfeeding challenges early on such as sore nipples from improper positioning or improper latch.
See OR for more information

COLOSTRUM is baby’s first milk in the early days. It is produced during pregnancy. It is thick, clear or yellowish in color and sticky. While low in volume (teaspoons, not ounces in the first 24-48 hours or so), it is highly concentrated with antibodies. It is high in carbohydrates and proteins and low in fat. Some consider it baby’s first “Immunization” to protect baby once out of the womb and it acts as a laxative to help baby pass the meconium (thick, black/ tarry first poops). Human milk changes over time to meet baby’s nutritional needs for each stage of development.

Baby’s Tummy Size at Birth
walnutAt birth, the baby’s stomach can comfortably digest what would fit in a hazelnut (about 1 to 2 teaspoons). By around 10 days, the baby’s stomach grows to hold about 2 ounces, or what would fit in a walnut.

Typical number of wet diapers and bowel movements in a baby’s first week (it is fine if your baby has more) 1 day = 24 hours*wet-diaper-chart

Keep in mind that, if using disposable diapers, the absorbency may

make it harder to tell if the diaper is wet. Use this chart as a guide, but talk to your child’s doctor if you are concerned about your child not getting enough milk or call Susan Weyer, (ILBC) Lactation Consultant: 443-293-7364 Source: American Academy of Pediatrics

How Do I Get Off to A Good Start?

  • Take a Prenatal Breastfeeding Class or read and learn about breastfeeding PRIOR to birth
  • Keep baby SKIN-TO-SKIN in the delivery (if stable) & in the early days
  • Start breastfeeding within the first hour if you are able to & ask for help
  • A mom can hand express colostrum if baby unable to latch and spoon-feed baby her colostrum
  • Keep your baby with you in your room, do not separate or send to a hospital nursery
  • Limit visitors and rest as much as possible, get help from family/friends/support system
  • Newborns are awake and alert right after birth and then are sleepy in the first 24 hours –often followed by a period of cluster feeding or fussiness -learn “normal” newborn behaviors
    Try to follow baby’s feeding cues – 8 or more in 24 feedings if possible
    The more milk is removed from the breasts, the more that is produced: Supply=Demand
  • Avoid bottle nipples, pacifiers until breastfeeding is well established (usually 3-4 weeks)
  • Ask about “Alternative Feeding Methods” i.e. syringe or tube AT breast to avoid Nipple Confusion or Fast Flow preference newborns may develop with early bottle use
  • ASK for help with good positioning and proper latching and any anatomical challenges (i.e. flat nipples)
  • If baby is born early and unable to latch/feed, mother can hand express & pump her colostrum/milk for her premature or late preterm baby 8x/day with a hospital grade pump as all pumps are not the same
  • Avoid NON-medical use of formula because this can interfere with a mother’s own milk supply
  • Choose a knowledgeable “Breastfeeding Friendly” Pediatrician who supports your goals
  • Find a Support Group or Lactation Consultant early on if you are experiencing any breastfeeding challenges or have questions, don’t get discouraged if there are some “bumps” on your journey

  • Rest as much as possible & ENJOY your baby! When baby sleeps, you sleep

How Do I Know My Baby is Getting Enough?

  •  Baby is able to latch correctly (wide open mouth/lips flanged out) – See YouTube Lansinoh Latch-ON video
  • Rhythmic sucking should feel like a strong pull, not too painful – see YouTube Jack Newman’s videos
  • Baby is feeding 8 or more times in 24 hours, duration of feedings vary (10 min. to 45 min.)
  • keep a Feeding Dairy/Diaper count (on paper or APP in phone) in the early days
  • Baby seems content at the end of the feeding
  • Baby’s urine is pale and increases as mother’s milk increases or “comes in”
  • At least ONE urine and meconium (black/tarry) Stool in the first 24 hrs., followed by 2- 3 on day 2
  • & 6 or > wet diapers as mother’s milk comes in (see chart on previous page)
  • Baby’s bowel movements are soft and change from dark/black meconium stool to green/brown and finally yellow & seedy as mother’s milk increases (usually day 3 or 4)
  • Most all baby’s lose 7-8% of birthweight and start Regain as mother’s milk is in, back to birthweight by day 10 usually
  • Babies usually gain one ounce per day for the first three months
  • LISTEN for audible swallows? (easier to hear as milk increases)
  • Once mother’s milk is in, feel breasts PRIOR to and AFTER feeding for BREAST SOFTENING?
  • Allow baby to FINISH THE FIRST SIDE /offer 2nd side-always start next feeding with the fuller breast – feed baby as often as baby wants, do not limit feeding times/duration
  • It’s normal for babies to feed frequently in the early weeks. Most babies will eat 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. They may have “growth spurts” @2-3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. Breastfeeding becomes very easy and natural after the early days! Most mothers can overcome whatever challenges may arise and Enjoy breastfeeding!

For More Frequently Asked Questions SEE:
There are many good books, I usually recommend The Nursing Mother’s Companion by Kathleen Huggins
Best wishes to you and your little one as you begin your breastfeeding journey.
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