Child Birth Education Class
Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby! Pregnancy is an exciting time, but can also cause some mixed emotions. Often mothers worry about the pain involved in the labor and birth process. Partners worry about what their role will be during this process. Parents-to-be may worry about complications or medical interventions, etc.…
As with anything in life; the more prepared one is, the better they are able to handle a situation. Educating yourselves about what to expect can help alleviate some of the fear surrounding childbirth and make for a more positive birth experience!
A woman’s body is designed for birth. When you get nervous simply look around at all the people you see. For every person, there was a mother who carried a pregnancy and gave birth to that person. Since the beginning of time, woman have been doing this! You can too!
Everyone’s experience is different. There are some things you can control during labor and some you cannot. Remember, your body knows how to do this and working with your body and the labor instead of resisting it and fearing it will make for a better labor experience, shorter labor and usually less complications.
Come learn in a relaxed atmosphere with other expectant couples through a Power Point presentation with relaxation and breathing techniques practiced.
Learn about:
- How to tell Labor is beginning/When to call you caregiver
- Relaxation and breathing techniques & positions for labor & birth
- Stages of Labor – Latent, Early, Active, Transition and Birth
- What happens at the hospital or birth center
- Learn about Medical Interventions and why they are used
- Inductions
- Partner’s Role or Doula’s role
- Methods of pain relief – Non-medicated birth vs. medications/epidurals/spinals/general
- Second Stage Pushing Positions
- Preparation for unexpected complications or outcomes
- Gentle Family Centered Cesarean Birth (Planned Cesarean Class also available)
- Skin to skin and Breastfeeding in the birthing room
- Normal appearance of a newborn/normal newborn behaviors
- How to make the birth process and entrance into the world gentle for newborn
- Post-Partum – what to expect after birth
*Please dress comfortably and bring two pillows and a blanket or mat to class
** Register early (2md trimester) as classes do fill (download registration form or find under FORMS )
Call Susan Weyer at 443-293-7364 for more information