Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes – Carroll, Frederick & Howard Counties, MD

mombabyPrivate in-home or group breastfeeding classes offered by appointment – Cost $30.00 – call (443) 293-7364 for class dates. Partners are encouraged to attend

While breastfeeding is a natural biological act, it is also a “learned skill”.  Both mother and baby are learning together.  The more a mother knows prior to latching her baby for the first time; the easier it should be. Take a breastfeeding class! We also offer in-home Lactation Consultations to help your baby breastfeed.

    Power Point presentation includes the following information:
    breastfeeding classes Westminster, MD, Eldersburg, Columbia, MDLearn:
  •  several common breastfeeding positions
  • to latch properly/view movie/Power Point with lots of visuals
  • to treat sore nipples should this happen early in your breastfeeding journey
  • what Colostrum is and how to tell if baby is getting enough, learn about milk production
  • the many health benefits for both mother and baby
  • normal urine and stooling patterns and normal weight loss and regain
  • How partner/family can help
  • how milk production happens physiologically and hormonally & how to get off to a great start
  • Normal newborn behavior, feeding cues, cluster feeding, how often to feed, etc.…
  • skin-to-skin and hand expression
  • Alternative Feeding Methods to avoid Nipple Confusion or fast-flow preference…
  • possible anatomical challenges (i.e. mom with flat/inverted nipples/baby with Tongue tie or high palate, torticollis, …)
  • Proper use of breastfeeding aides like Nipple Shields/ shells & other products and how to size properly
  • Learn about different types of breast pumps and proper use/return to work/storage of breastmilk…
  • Learn how to manage breastfeeding as mother returns to work and baby grows
  • Have questions answered and concerns addressed with Q&A time
  • Learn about diet and medication use during lactation
  • Learn about herbs that will increase milk supply
  • Learn where to find help or when to call a Lactation Consultant – discount for Lactation In-home visit/FREE phone consults after birth
  • Learn how to choose a Pediatrician that supports breastfeeding

Why Take a Breastfeeding Class?

Photo by Susan Weyer – Mother Child Photography

There are many potential problems that are so avoidable if mothers/couples get the education prenatally they need to get off to a great start!
It is so much better to prevent sore nipples, rather than treat them!  It is so much better to avoid NON-medical formula supplementation with bottle nipples and know that this can interfere with a mother establishing her own milk supply, interfere with baby’s ability to latch properly and hurt a mother’s confidence.  Often times all a mother & her baby need is support and encouragement and a little time & practice.

13512034_10209800552876496_8197345321871124191_nMy breastfeeding classes are designed to give parents the confidence they need and empower them.  Combining years of experience, compassion and education & research I try to help parents achieve their breastfeeding goals.  Partners play a critical role by learning how they can support mother and bond with baby in their own special way.  Connecting with other mothers/couples helps build a support network for after your birth.
Information is shared in a respectful, open manner.  Sharing of concerns is encouraged.

Call Susan Weyer about class schedules or creating a class for your group or for a private in-home visit: 443-293-7364 Request information online